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Football Home

Welcome to Shiloh Athletic Association Football

The Official Feeder Program for Shiloh High School Football

SAA Football Mission Statement

The mission of the SAA Football Program is to teach the youth to compete athletically at the highest level while never compromising their welfare and safety. We will use football as a tool to teach the youth of our community how to achieve great success at home, in school, and on the field. We will emphasize the importance of good sportsmanship, teamwork, and respect. The youth of our program will learn that success cannot be accomplished without hard work, dedication, and sacrifice. 


2024 Fall Tackle Football - Registration opens Saturday, March 16th!!




If you are interested in coaching, click on the Coaches Tab for information. If you have any questions, please email:

2024 SAA Football Director



All sports will have a mandatory fundraiser for the season. This allows the sports to cover different cost without increasing the registration fees. All parents should receive fundraising information at the beginning of their season; usually at the parents meeting.

We thank you for participating and helping make Shiloh a great place for our youth!!

Concessions Policy

Everyone must work the concessions stand during the season or pay the opt-out fee of $50.00. This fee must be paid the last registration. If you have any questions please contact your director. 

Refund Policy

SAA has a NO refund policy. If your player suffers a season ending injury before the start of the season please contact the Director to request an exception. If your exception is approved uniform costs may be deducted if ordered before injury.